Final Exam Study Guide: Part 1 - Technology
Your final exam is composed of two parts. The first part is to use Minitab
to answer the questions. The second part will be more like what you have done
on your other tests throughout the semester.
Both parts of the exam are open notebook. This may include your old tests,
activities, technology projects, etc. You may not use your textbook. You may
use minitab notes from the activities and tech projects on the first part of
I asked
not to print
these in the classroom to save paper, you may pull them up online and look
at them during your test.
The following is not a question by question description of what you will need
to know like most study guides. Part of this test is to see if you know where
to go to do the things that are asked. Instead, this guide is designed to let
you know which areas of Minitab you should be familiar with. I would certainly
put this in your notebook to use as a reference during the exam.
File Menu
- Open Worksheet. You will need to open a data set to complete the test.
You do not need to print or save your results. You do not need to copy and
paste into Word. Write all answers on the exam.
Calc Menu
- Calculator. You will need to be able to create a new variable based on
an expression involving existing variables.
- Probability Distributions.
- You will need to be able to work with the Binomial,
Normal, Student's T, Chi-Square, and F distributions. You will not
need to sample from columns.
- The "probability" option can be used to
find probabilities
of specific outcomes.
- The "cumulative probability" can be used
to find the
area to the left of a value. You'll have to manipulate the
output if you need the area to the right. If you need a two-tail p-value
then you'll have to manipulate the input and the output.
- The "inverse cumulative
probability" will
return the critical value that has the input area to the
left. You'll
have to manipulate
the input if you are given the area to the right. If you
need two critical values, you'll have to manipulate the input and run
the procedure twice.
Stats / Basic Statistics Menu
- Display Descriptive Statistics.
- 1 Sample T. Used to test a claim about a single mean.
- 2 Sample T. Used to test a claim about two independent means. The test
mean is the difference in the means.
- Paired T. Used to test a claim about the mean of the difference with dependent
- 1 Proportion. Used to test a claim about a single population proportion.
Remember to enter proportions as decimals. Also check the "base interval
and test on normal distribution" box.
- 2 Proportions. Used to test a claim about two independent proportions.
The test value is the difference in the proportions. Be sure to check the
"use pooled estimate for p" box.
- Correlation. Used to find correlation between two quantitative variables.
- Normality Test. Used to check whether a sample comes from a population
with a normal distribution.
Stats / Regression Menu
- Regression. This will find the regression equation when there is significant
linear correlation. Remember that when there is no linear correlation, the
best estimate for a variable is its mean. You do not need to worry about
residuals or fits for this test.
Stats / ANOVA Menu
- One-Way. Used to test the claim that the three or more means are equal
when the samples are independent. There should be one column containing the
factor and one column containing the values to test.
- One-Way Stacked. This is the same test, but each sample is in a different
Stats / Tables Menu
- Cross Tabulation. This is used to create a contingency table and perform
a test for independence.
Be sure to check the chi-square box to do a test for independence.
- If you frequencies instead of each row being a separate case, then
include the two classification variables and check the "Frequencies are
in ..."
box and put the frequency column there.
- If your data is such that each row is an individual case and there
are no frequencies, then include the two classification variables and
the variable you want to tally in the classification variables box. You
will get a table for each value in the third variable listed. For example,
if you have the three variables gender, party, and race and specify them
in that order, it will give you two tables (one for whites and one for
blacks) containing the tallys with gender for the row variable and party
for the column variable.
Graph Menu
- Plot. You need to know how to make a scatter plot. There will be three
plots given on the test and you have to circle the right one. If you don't
get one of the three, then you know you did something wrong.
Type of Questions to Expect
The questions are not like questions on previous tests where you have 13 parts
and you have to go through and answer each part. Instead a sample question
might be ...
Based on a p-value of _______, there ( is / is not ) enough evidence to (
reject / support ) the claim that less than 30% of the people smoke.
From this question, you need to know to go to the 1 proportion test, put in
a claimed proportion of 0.30, change the alternative to less than, and then
run the test. For questions like this, the p-value will be worth 3 points,
the ( is / is not ) worth 1, and the ( reject / support ) worth 1. This p-value
is the only thing you can't guess at and get right half the time, so that's
how I'll know you've done the technology part of it.
Another question might read ...
Which of the following graphs is a scatter plot of the weight (y) vs height
This is a matching problem with three choices, so you could take a wild guess
and hope you get it right or you could go to graph / plot and make the graph
and compare it to one that's there. You could guess, but you lose five points
if you guess wrong.
- You will probably want a calculator.
- You will definitely need Minitab.
- Work through the problems you know how to do quickly. If you don't know
how to do something, then skip it and come back to it later.
- You will not be able to continue working on this exam in the testing center,
they don't have Minitab loaded. Use your time wisely.
- The exam is worth 100 points, each individual part on the exam is worth
5 points.
- Half of the questions on the test involve finding a p-value or a confidence
interval and making a conclusion.