Math 116 - College Algebra

Calendar of Events
Schedule of exams. Study guides for exams can be found here.
Course Syllabus [PDF]
Online version of course syllabus.
Homework Assignments [PDF]
Per section listing of homework assignments.
Grade Sheet [PDF]
Keep track of your scores.
Mathematical Notation [PDF only]
This is a sequence of eight, one-page documents for you to create using your favorite full-featured word processor. The object is to learn to use proper notation and also learn some algebra along the way. There is an Acrobat PDF handout detailing how to use the equation editor.
TI-82 Usage Notes
Some instructions on using the TI-82 or TI-83 calculator.
Lecture Notes
Highlights from each section.
Videotapes [PDF]
Videotapes are available for this course in the LRC. This correlates the videotape to the section from the book.
Homework Instructions
Instructions on the proper way of completing the homework. A complete section of homework is provided as an example.
Complete Calendar
This is a complete calendar if calendar format, but requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Practice Exams
Sample exams from the Spring 1999 semester. Current enrollment in the course and a password is required to access this information.
Classroom Handouts
PDF versions of handouts given in class.
Information about Instructor
Information including office hours, education, interests, etc.

Note: All Internet access from within the College may be monitored. Using the Internet during exams is prohibited except when specifically instructed otherwise. I consider such usage to be cheating and as such is subject to the academic dishonesty policy of the College. I can identify web pages visited and who visited them.

James Jones, Professor of Mathematics

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