Detailed Homework Instructions

An example section follows the guidelines.


Sample Section (section 7.6 of 3rd edition)

These papers were worked in pen so that they would show up well when I scanned them. You should really do your homework in pencil. Also notice that I've either copied the problem down or made a note of what they were looking for. That way, I'll be able to go back later and make sense out of it. If I just put down the answer, then it doesn't help me understand it. Remember that the final exam is open notebook and you may use your homework on it.

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Notice the mistake on #7. I figured out why the problem was wrong and then got the right answer and wrote myself a note to remind myself of why I got the wrong answer. When you grade, it is what you have right when you turn it in on the day of the test, not how many you had right the first time.

I normally would finish the homework and then check it so there wouldn't be room right after the problem to fix it. In that case, I would just fix the problem at the end of the homework section. For #7, I had some doubts when I worked the problem, so I checked it right away rather than waiting until the end of the homework.

Section 7.6 homework, page 1

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Notice I did problems 35 and 37 backwards because my eyes jumped. Just fix it, you don't need to rework the problems.

Also, some problems were supposed to be done with the calculator, so I just made a note that I used the calculator.

Section 7.6 homework, page 2

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Although this section is about counting techniques, it worked better for me to actually draw the octagon and put in the diagonals. By labeling the vertices, I was able to list out the diagonals and then count them up.

Finally, since this is a section about counting techniques, I tried to develop a formula that could be used so that I didn't have to draw all the diagonals on the picture. I then checked my formula to make sure that it was working correctly.

Section 7.6 homework, page 3