Math 113 - Grade Sheet - Fall 2010

Name : ______________________________________

Use the following worksheet to keep track of your grade in this class.

Exams (450 points)

Points Pts Description
______ 50 Exam 1 group *
______ 100 Exam 1 individual
______ 50 Exam 2 group *
______ 100 Exam 2 individual *
______ 50 Exam 3 group *
______ 100 Exam 3 individual

Brand Favorability (80 points)

Points Pts Description
______ 20 Brand Research *
______ 20 Descriptive Statistics *
______ 20 Hypothesis Tests *
______ 20 Conclusion *

Paper Towels (80 points)

Points Pts Description
______ 20 Descriptive Statistics *
______ 20 Confidence Intervals
______ 20 Hypotheses Tests *
______ 20 One-Way ANOVA *

Starbursts (40 points)

Points Pts Description
______ 20 Confidence Intervals *
______ 20 Hypothesis Tests *

Claims (60 points)

Points Pts Description
______ 20 Claims about Proportions
______ 20 Claims about Proportions
______ 20 Claims about Means

Regression (40 points)

Points Pts Description
______ 20 Simple Regression *
______ 20 Multiple Regression *

Capstone Project (150 points)

Points Pts Description
______ 100 Written Paper *
______ 30 Oral Presentation *
______ 20 Self Evaluations

Participation (100 points)

Points Pts Description
______ 50 Attendance
______ 25 Activity Journal 1
______ 25 Activity Journal 2

Items with a * after them are group assignments.

Distribution of Points

50% Group *, 50% Individual

45% Projects, 45% Exams, 10% Participation

Points Needed for Grade

There are 1000 points possible. Here are the points needed for each grade.

Grade A B C D F
Points 895 795 695 595 0

This sheet is provided for you to keep track of your grades. Please record your grades here as they are returned by the instructor.

You may check your grades online using the "check your grades" link from the instructor's homepage. If you find discrepancies, please inform the instructor.