Homework should be attempted after the material is covered in class and before the next class meeting. Check your answers against those in the back of the book. Correct any mistakes that you can and then come to the next class with a list of questions you still have. If you fall behind in the homework, you may need to see the instructor outside of class to get help.
Homework will be collected at the beginning of the second class period after the material is scheduled to be introduced. For example, if we start a section on Monday, the homework will collected at the start of Friday's class. Homework may be turned in early. Late homework will receive a 20% reduction in point value for each class period it is late. Even though some homework may not be due until after the exam over that material, it is to your benefit to work the problems before the exam. No work will be accepted after the final.
Each section of homework should be stapled if there is more than one page. Place your name, the section number, and the unreduced fraction of questions you have correct in the top right-hand corner of the first page. Your score should be based on the number of questions that you have correct when it is turned in, not the number that you originally had correct before you checked the answers.
Homework should consist of more than just answers and a reduction in points may occur if it appears you're merely copying answers from the book or other resource.