Math 160 - Homework

Homework should be attempted after reading the Canvas lecture notes, watching the videos, and attending the classroom lecture. There may be hints or special directions inside Canvas.

Homework is due at the beginning of class, two class periods after we begin a new section of the textbook. If we start a section on Monday, then homework is due on Friday. If we start a section on Wednesday, but Friday is a holiday, then the homework will not be due until the following Wednesday.

Two class periods is more time than you should take, but it allows you time to ask questions between the time we cover the material and the time it is due. Do not fall into the habit of waiting until it is due to start.

Homework will be accepted up to one week late, but there may be a 20% penalty applied for each class period it is late.

Even though some homework may not be due until after the exam over that material, it is to your benefit to work the problems before the exam. No work will be accepted after the final.

Place your name, the section number, and the unreduced fraction of questions you have correct in the top right-hand corner of the first page. Additional pages should have your name and section number on them.

Check your answers against those in the back of the book. Correct any mistakes that you can.

Your score should be based on the number of questions that you have correct when it is turned in, not the number that you originally had correct before you checked the answers.

Homework should consist of more than just answers and a reduction in points may occur if it appears you're merely copying answers from the book or other resource. This includes not showing sufficient work, failure to label, or skipping important steps.

The point of homework is to help you understand the material. Taking shortcuts doesn't help you in the long run.

Work should include labels when appropriate. This is especially true when dealing with matrix applications where rows and columns have specific meanings. Story problems deserve written answers – don't say x1 = 10 when you mean "produce 10 thingamajigs at the whatchamacallit plant."

Homework must be the student's original work and completed within the current semester to receive credit. Do not submit work from previous semesters.

List of Problems by Section