Rubric for Grading Assessments

One of the difficulties in grading assignments is determining how to award the points. In a normal testing situation, each problem is assigned a point value based on the difficulty of the problem and the relative importance of the concepts.

Most of the assessments here, however, do not allow for such an assignment. Furthermore, they are used to provide mastery of the concepts, not to assign grades. That is, the point of completing the assessments is, for the most part, to learn or review the material, not to prove that you have learned it. By completing the assessments until you have mastered them, you will know the material (or at least the answers to those questions). The Flash animations have a limited number of questions and responses, but the ANOVA table generator generates values at random so it's likely you'll never see the exact same problem twice.

Since grades can't be assessed based on the number of correct or incorrect responses, we need another method to assign grades. The wholistic rubric that follows will help assign those points.

Not every goal applies to each assessment.

Goal Excellent (5 points) Average (3 points) Poor (1 point)
Identification The complete and correctly spelled names of the participants are given. The activity is clearly identified. At least one partial name is given on spelled incorrectly. The activity is identified. No complete names are given or the activity is not identified.
Completeness All questions are answered completely. One or more questions are partially answered or completely missing. Two or more questions are missing or partially complete.
Correctness There are 0 or 1 errors in the output or descriptions. There are 2 or 3 errors in the output or descriptions. There are more than 3 errors in the output or descriptions.
Organization The documents are clearly laid out in an organized fashion and different sections are easily identified. The document is mostly in an organized fashion, section titles may be sporadic or disorganized. The document is not organized into sections or the section titles don't apply to the material in those sections.
Annotation All computer generated output is clearly labeled and explained One or more sections of computer output are missing labels or explanation No computer output is labeled or explained.
Practice Problems Most of the questions can be completely and correctly answered on the first attempt. Most questions can be correctly and correctly answered, although more than one attempt may be necessary Most questions can not be answered correctly or completely, even with repeated attempts
Participation The student participates in class and completes the one minute feedback assessments The student either participates in class or completes the one minute feedback assessments The student neither participates in class nor complete the one minute feedback assessments


  1. The student's performance will be matched to the closest category (excellent, average, poor).
  2. Should the performance fall equally between two categories, it is possible to receive the average point assignment. Even though there are five possible points, there are only three categories so it doesn't become difficult to distinguish one level of performance from another.
  3. Although the 5 - 3 - 1 scale is used, individual components may be weighted to achieve the point assignment for the assessment.
  4. Not all assessments are graded. Some are simply so that you can better understand the material.