Math 113 - Introduction to Applied Statistics: Spring 2014 Syllabus Highlights

James Jones, Professor of Mathematics
Mathematics & Sciences Division, Richland Community College

This paper contains the highlights from the syllabus. The full syllabus is available on the instructor's website.

Meeting Information

Instructor Information

James Jones, Professor of Mathematics.
Phone: 875-7211, ext 490
Office: C223

Office Hours

I spend most of my office hours in the classroom, room S137. This allows me to help students with their assignments, homework, projects, exams, and questions.


Most of the material in the course will be presented through lecture and web pages. For those who wish to have a book for reference purposes, here is one that will work (and is inexpensive).

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Statistics, 2nd edition. Robert A. Donnelly, Jr. Copyright 2007, Alpha Books. ISBN 978-1-59257-634-0 (Optional).

Grading Policy

Letter grades will be assigned to final adjusted scores as follows:

The final score will be weighted according to these three categories:
