The class was able to roll their own grading scheme this semester, here is what the class decided.
- 55.0% Exams: There are four in-class exams and one take-home exam. Exams must account for at least 50% of your grade in the course.
- 14.4% Quizzes: These are daily quizzes over the material presented in class the previous day. These cannot be made up. To accommodate for this and since there will be a large number of quizzes, some of the lowest quiz grades(the exact number to be determined) will be dropped. Quizzes can be no more than 30% of your grade in the course.
- 20.6% Homework: These are mostly-odd problems from the book that you work and check your answers using the back of the book, the wiki, trusting your intuition, checking with other students, or asking the instructor. If you have it wrong, you get to correct it before turning it in. These are due the day of the exam over that chapter. There is a 10% discount applied to the possible points, so getting more than 90% of the homework correct earns you bonus points. Homework can be no more than 25% of your grade.
- 10.0% Notations: These are a series of documents that contain the major concepts and formulas from each chapter. All you need to do is type them, there is no mathematical processing involved. The idea is that by thinking about how to properly type them, you'll learn the material as well. Notations can be no more than 10% of your grade.