Math 160 - Textbook Information

Textbook Information


The textbook for this course is Finite Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 13th edition, by Barnett, Ziegler, and Byleen. It is copyrighted 2015 and published by Pearson.


We are not using MyMathLab or MyLabs & Mastering within this course and do not buy an electronic package that includes access to it.

While you should not buy an access code for MyMathLab, it is okay to buy an electronic or digital version of the textbook.

Student's Solutions Manual

There is a Student's Solutions Manual available. ISBN-13: 978-0-321-94670-6.

It is optional and not recommended or required for this course.

Obtaining the Textbook

Any availability or prices listed below are for informational purposes and were accurate when this page was created, but are not updated. Check with the website for the most current information. The instructor is not responsible for typos or inaccuracies. This is supplied for informational purposes only and is not intended to be an endorsement of any retailer.

Richland Bookstore

The Richland Bookstore has the hardback version of the printed textbook available for rent or purchase.

The bookstore has price-matching, but it is limited and you have to pay full price and then get the difference back in the form of a store voucher.

Note that the bookstore says the TI-83 or TI-84 calculator is required for this course. You need the calculator, but you do not need another one if you already have one.

Publisher (Pearson)

Pearson is the publisher of the textbook and they have multiple versions available on their website.


Amazon also sells or rents several versions of the book.


The 13th edition of the textbook is nearing its end of life and the 14th edition is coming out in January 2018. This means that the book is widely available from many places at a discounted prices. It also means that you may have difficulty selling a book back since a new edition will soon be available.

Some websites like DirectTextbook specialize in gathering prices from other websites and displaying them in a single location so that students can quickly compare.