Math 122 - Calculus & Analytic Geometry II
This course requires completion of the
Canvas Student Orientation
is the learning management system used in this course
Edfinity is an online homework, testing, and tutoring package. Access to Edfinity is through Canvas.
of what section we're going to be covering each day in class as well as when exams are scheduled
Highlights of syllabus
, a one sheet summary of the really important stuff
Full version of syllabus
, which contains the complete details of the course
Written Work for Homework
provides the expectations for your homework
Common Maclaurin Series and Summary of Convergence Tests
Rotation of Conic Sections
Introduction to Maxima
Mathematical software
that is available for use by Richland students
Information about the instructor
, including office hours, education, interests, etc.
Final Exam Schedule