SERIES Program

A menu driven program which contains a collection of algorithms for sequences and series from a College Algebra level course.

You can use it to:


General Term of an Arithmetic Sequence:

a_n = a_1 + (n-1) d

Arithmetic Series: (two formulas)

S_n = n/2 ( a_1 + a_n )

S_n = n/2 [ 2 a_1 + (n-1) d ]

General Term of a Geometric Sequence:

a_n = a_1 r^(n-1)

Geometric Series:

S_n = a_1 ( 1 - r^n ) / ( 1 - r )

Infinite Geometric Series:

S_inf = a_1 / ( 1 - r ), abs(r) < 1