TI-82: Using TI-Link

Receiving Data

  1. Securely place the cable into both calculators. Make sure you press firmly.
  2. Press the LINK key
  3. Arrow right to RECEIVE
  4. Press ENTER when the other end is ready to send.
  5. At this point, the data should be transferring. Choose OVERWRITE (2) if any programs or data are being transmitted.
  6. Press QUIT when done transferring data.

Sending Data

  1. Securely place the cable into both calculators. Make sure you press firmly.
  2. Press the LINK key
  3. Choose SELECTALL-
  4. Arrow through the programs and data. Press ENTER on each item you wish to transfer to the other calculator. A square bullet will appear before each item that is to be transferred.
  5. Arrow right to TRANSMIT
  6. Make sure the other person has started the receive, and then press ENTER to begin the transmit.
  7. If you have another calculator that you wish to transfer the same material to, then repeat steps 1 and 2. Instead of step 3 and 4, choose SELECTCURRENT. Then continue with steps 5 and 6.
  8. Press QUIT when done

Warnings, Errors

If the sending end starts the transmit before the receiving end starts the receive, you will get an error and the sending end will have to reselect all programs and data to transfer. Therefore ...

You must start the receive begin you start the send!

Check the following things if there is an error

  1. Did the person start the receive before the send?
  2. Are both cables completely inserted?