Statistical Links

Here are some links to sites with good explanations or available data. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, but sites that the instructor has visited and found interesting. If you find any good sites, please let the instructor know.

Lists of Statistical Information

Finding Data on the Internet: A Journalist's Guide
Simple subject driven interface
Statistical Resources on the Web
Comprehensive list maintained by University of Michigan

Interesting Articles

The Gallup Organization
Gallup Polls is one of the leading producers of public opinion data. Their Frequently Asked Questions on how polls are conducted is required reading.
Wirthlin Worldwide
Wirthlin Worldwide is one of the leading opinion research and strategic consulting firms in the world.
The Why Files: Polling
Very well written article explaining the dos and don'ts of polling, how the statistics are created, better ways to poll.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
US Department of Transportation (DOT) site.

Other Resources

Triola Stats
This is the homepage for your textbook.
Information Please
Almanacs, dictionary, and encyclopedias.
A system for distributing statistical software, datasets, and information.
Statistics Virtual Library
Part of the WWW Virtual Library program.

Data Sets

Institute for Research in Social Science
Louis Harris polls, Social and Health Data, Public Opinion Polls, State polls.
Social Sciences Data on the Net
Search for information. List of data depositories.
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research